K - 1 Ostara
Join us as we explore the magic of Ostara in our K-1 Wheel of the Year curriculum. We'll read, learn, and create together, embracing the balance of light and dark, and the promise of new life.
Welcome to Ostara
How to use ELH curriculum
ELH Curriculum Calendar
Intro: Flora and the Firsat Day of Spring
Before: Flora and the First Day of Spring
Explore: Flora and the First Day of Spring
Make: Flora and the First Day of Spring
PDF: Flora and the First Day of Spring
Intro: PIGS
Explore: PIGS
Forest Meditation
Make: PIGS
Intro:Bea's Bees
Before:Bea's Bees
Explore:Bea's Bees
Make: Bea's Bees
PDF: Bea's Bees